I CAN Communicate- Factsheet on supporting children with change

Making a change – big or small – affects everyone differently. Some children will be excited, curious and adapt to change quickly. Others may need more time to absorb and accept change. The big changes are things like starting a new nursery or school, moving house, having a new brother or sister or change in their family set up.

Small changes are things like a change to what they do every day, for example, going swimming instead of to the park. Or there can be very small changes which feel big to them, such as running out of a breakfast cereal they like and having to eat something else.

Read more about communicating change, ideas for how to help and useful links:


I CAN Communicate blog: Transition: A process not an event

Mary Hartshorne, I CAN’s Head of Evidence, explores the experiences of pupils with speech, language and communication needs as they move into or on from school.  Access the blog here:


‘Purple pathways’ developed by Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust to help patients with learning disabilities or autism experience the best journey through their hospitals.

A system of purple pathways developed by Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is in use to help patients with learning disabilities or autism experience the best journey through their hospitals.The information is presented as flowcharts that show clinicians and staff how the patient needs to move through hospital services to receive their treatments.

The charts are also detailed with contact information for further support. The purple pathways are being used across the trust in A&E, inpatients, outpatients, maternity and discharge.

The pathways are an integral part of their Learning Disabilities and Autism Policy and Procedure.

The discharge pathway is also included in the Trust’s discharge policy and is the accepted tri-borough discharge pathway.

More information here:


Mencap Health Campaign. Three workshops in Brighton and Worthing in Sept/Oct 2017

Mencap are launching a new health campaign in October and will be working in the Surrey, Kent and Sussex areas over the next 3 years on this campaign.

As part of the campaign Mencap are hosting three workshops in Brighton and Worthing in September and and October prior to the launch.

The first workshop will be a rights based event with the two follow up workshops focussing on health campaigning.

More information contact:

Mike Le-Surf

Mencap Campaigns Officer – South of England


Campaigner Workshop Brighton OctoberCampaigner Workshop 3 Brighton October 30 Campaigner Workshop Brighton October Campaigner Workshop Brighton