Welcome Presentation – Daniel Marsden (LDCoP16 Chair)
Coming soon
Health Education England Introduction to the day – Presented by Jane Butler (Head of Clinical Education) HEE KSS
Coming soon
Dominic Slowie – National Clinical Director for Learning Disabilities, NHS England
Coming soon
Scott Watkin – SeeAbility Advisor
Hayley Goleniowska & Sally Phillips – Downs Side up.
Simulated Hospital Admissions – involving people with a learning disability in teaching adult nursing students – Presented by Andy Nazarjuk (Senior Lecturer in Learning Disability Nursing) Canterbury Christ Church University
Hospital Mortality Review of Patients with Learning Disability – Presented by Adrian Simoes, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Meeting Specialist Training Needs – Presented by Jenny Spaull (Training Manager) Southdown Housing Association
Making it LOUD – Presented by Cathy Bernal (Senior Lecturer in Learning Disability) Canterbury Christ Church University
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 5 Year Forward Pledge – Presented by Twyla Mart (Resourcing Manager) East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Support Strategies for people who display Sexualised Behaviours that Challenge Others or the System. ‘Not even sure if my line manager even understands about his sexuality and stuff like that’ -Presented by Kirsty Bishop (Team Leader) Burgess autistic trust
Can Health B FUN – Des Clarke, Chris Hunter, Hannah Crowther, Philippa Harris (Community Learning Disability Nursing Team) Kent Community Health Foundation Trust
Coming soon
Reasonable Adjustments: How can I help make this happen? – Presented by Cathy Bernal, Ronnie Treston, George Matuska, Steven Chapman, Vanessa Cowley, Daniel Marsden and Rags Subramaniam (co-presenters) Learning Disability Community of Practice
Springwell: supporting people with learning disabilities and complex needs to have a voice in their care planning process – Presented by Dr Jane Edmonds (Consultant Clinical Psychologist) Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust
Anticipatory care Calendar Project – Presented by Sue Marsden (Specialist Community Matron) Kent Community Health Foundation Trust
Reviewing the Health Equalities Framework and Data Intelligence – Presented by Shane Webber (Service Development Manager) Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Coming soon
Workforce development for people with intellectual disabilities: the perspective from people with intellectual disabilities – Presented by Jill Davies (Research Programme Manager), Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
Coming soon