Learning Disability Nursing Research – Call for participants

Academic and researcher at London South Bank University – Renee Francis is undertaking a project to understand the factors that influence learning disabilities nurses working in non-learning disabilities specific services. 

Renee’s study seeks to explain how perceptions of professional identity influence the employment of learning disabilities nurses in non specialist settings. 

To access the survey please click here for more details please see the attachment below. 

Invitation letter LSBU Research

Learning Disability Week Webinar with Learning Disability England

The Community of Practice is pleased to host a webinar during Learning Disability week with Learning Disability England on the Good Lives Manifesto. 

This manifesto is based on human rights, evidence, research and campaigns. There are 6 key asks based on the Good Lives Framework and members current priorities. Learning Disability England will facilitate this webinar to enhance understanding of the Manifesto and what we can do collectively to make a difference – so please join us #StrongerTogether