Addressing Health Inequalities Event taking shape

Along with our main speaker Prof Ruth Northway who will be sharing her experiences of researching inclusively, we have been pleased to receive nine quality submissions sharing developments in practice in line with the aims of the event:-

  1. to be person centred
  2. to provide the best quality care and support
  3. to improve equality and access

These have come from diverse set of organisations reflecting issues such as:-

  • sexual health,
  • hate crime,
  • easy to understand information,
  • community development and support,
  • skills to care for the future,
  • making reasonable adjustments and
  • person centred culture change in independent and statutory services.

This event is intended to be inclusive and open to all. An agenda for the event will be available very soon.

We are intending to have social media presence at the event, look out for the hashtag soon!

In the meantime you can register for places at our eventbrite page now!


What do Emergency Health services need to know about people with learning disabilities?

Health Education Kent Surrey Sussex and the English Centre for Practice Development are eager to hear from stakeholders about what staff in emergency care – like A&E, might need to know in the future.

Emergency care stakeholder eventsWhile local evidence appears to suggest that people with learning disabilities are proportionally more likely than the general population to use Emergency care, it would be important to have people with learning disabilities represented in the planning of future services.

If you’d like to go click on the picture to download the flyer and book a place on one of the 4 stakeholder events!

Thanks to George Matuska for sharing this.

My Healthcare Passport Research Project – Come and find out more!

In 2011 East Kent Hospitals worked with people with learning disabilities and hospital staff to create and publish My Healthcare Passport.

My Healthcare Passport 1st Draft Symbol

Since then, along with using the Passport to improve care for people with learning disabilities, we have been working with NHS Ethics to get permission to do an action research project to find out how it is used, and how we might be able to improve how it is used.

We are looking for a group of stakeholders – people with learning disabilities, Hospital health care professionals, Families, Care workers and Community professionals to become Co-researchers in this project.

We are holding three Information events at the beginning of June about this project and what it will entail.

Action Research Advert pictureIf you’d like to book a place for one of the information events please download the below form, fill out and send back.

app form picture


Daniel Marsden

Addressing Health Inequalities Event 18th June 2014


Momentum is building toward Learning Disability Week 2014 and the Addressing Health Inequalities event!

On top of confirming that Prof Ruth Northway (twitter : @northwayruth) the keynote speaker, sharing her experiences of working with people with learning disabilities as researchers, we’ve begun to receive contributions from potential presenters both locally and further a field!

If you’d like to present some of your good practice, download the form from here fill in the form and send back to by 15th May 2014.

To book a places for this inclusive event please go to our eventbrite webpage.

We’ll look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in June.

18-6-14 Event Flyer