18th June 2014 – Save the date!

On 18th June, the Learning Disability Community of Practice will be holding a conference in Chatham entitled, “‘Addressing Health Inequalities in Learning Disability Week 2014”. The aims of the day are for participants to be able to:

  1. benefit from the sharing of collaborative initiatives to address health inequalities amongst local people with learning disabilities;
  2. utilise reflective groups in order to further develop their current initiatives;
  3. stimulate the Community of Practice and further exploit their membership by networking with other members in a creative approach to problem-solving; and
  4. contribute to the expansion and further activities of the Community of Practice.

We are very keen to hear from anyone who would like to present anything they are currently doing that they feel addresses health inequalities amongst people with learning disabilities – whether they are generic healthcare staff, people with learning disabilities, carers or specialist healthcare staff. If you have an idea that you’d like to present, please contact the organisers (ideally copying to all):




Thanks. We’re very much looking forward to hearing from you! Further details of the day, including how to apply, will be posted here soon.

Kent Good Health Group says let’s us improve access to Healthchecks!

On 18th February the Learning Disability Community of Practice was invited to the Kent Learning Disability Partnership Board‘s Health subgroup – The Good Health Group.

We explained the purpose of the Community of Practice using the below presentation.

Kent Community of Practice Presentation

We worked with the group to identify:-

1) What we do really well at in Kent?

2) What we are worried about?

3) What ways could we work together to improve peoples health in Kent?

This is what people said.

CCI picture

There was a lot of talk about the numbers of people going for Annual Health Checks and what this entails.

One person said they would write an easy to read piece on Health checks and what to expect. We’ll publish the results on here soon!

What do you think ought to be done to improve the health of people with learning disabilities? We’d like to know!

Care Quality Commission want to find out what people think about East Kent Hospitals

England’s Chief Inspector of Hospitals is inviting members of the public to tell his inspection panel what they think of the services provided by East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust.

Their views and experiences will help inspectors decide what to look at when they inspect the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury, the William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, and the Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother Hospital, Margate, in March.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC1BwbGVKlw]

To ensure the views of patients and the local community are properly heard, the inspectors will be holding three listening events:-

  • Monday, 3 March 6:30pm – Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, The Precincts, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2EH
  • Wednesday, 5 March 6:30pm – The Winter Gardens, Fort Crescent, Margate, CT9 1HX
  • Wednesday 5 March 6:30pm – Ashford International Hotel, Simone Weil Avenue, Ashford, TN24 8UX

If you would like to know more, or to book your place at an event, please click here. 

East Kent Outpatients Consultation – Easy Read

East Kent Hospitals and Canterbury and Coastal Clinical Commissioning Group have just begun a consultation on the future of Outpatients services in East Kent.

The consultation is eager to hear the opinions of people with learning disabilities, and as such an easy to read document and survey are available, and there are consultation events set up for people to find out more and have their opinion heard.

The easy to read consultation document is available by clicking on the below picture.

Outpatients Consultation  easy read pictureThe easy to read survey is available by clicking on the below page.

Outpatients surveyMake sure you have your say and share this information with others who might be interested!