Learning Disability Week is upon us and this year’s theme is Superheroes
Below there is a space for you to tell people who your Superheroes are. Who are the Kent & Medway Learning Disability Superheroes?
Please be careful what you write, how you write it, and always be complimentary!
To get the ball rolling I’ve written a short piece about some people who contribute to East Kent Hospitals Trust – click on the picture below.
There will be a new post each day so keep checking these out. It’s important to celebrate those that are making a difference!
Lastly Mencap are encouraging people to share their thoughts on Twitter using the hastag #ldweek2013
There are a number of twitter chats this week to coincide. For those that want to contribute this way follow @ldnursechat @thercn @hsjnews not forgetting @mencap_charity @eastkentmencap @kent_dpgs & @kentcbn
Have a Super week!
Daniel Marsden @dmarsden49
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I would like to recommend Laurence Oliver ( Family Carer ) as Learning Disability Super Hero. Laurence has been working hard (voluntarily) for over 10 years for the Learning Disabled and their families in Kent.
Laurence is a director of Topaz Community and before that was the Joint Chair of Maidstone District Partnership Group. He has given over his life to supporting Topaz Community a registered Charity.
Topaz provides information, guidance and support as well as providing a number of social activities. He is always willing to help anyone who is in difficulty and asks for nothing in return.
I will attach our latest News Letter and perhaps you can contact me and I will try to give you more information.
We have recently had some publicity in the Kent Messenger and also we are working with Betty (Channel 4 Undatetables) and we are supported by John, Neil and Karl at Wonderland for our wonderful nightclubs.
None of Topaz’s activities would be possible if Laurence had not been supporting Topaz Volunteers over the years.
Very best wishes Jenny
Topaz Community
Maidstone Community Support Centre
Marsham Street
ME14 1HH
01622 609284 email topazjenny@gmail.com.
From: Kent and Medway Learning Disability Community of Practice [mailto:comment-reply@wordpress.com] Sent: 20 August 2013 12:15 To: topazjenny@gmail.com Subject: [New post] Learning Disability Week 2013 in Kent & Medway!
dmarsden49 posted: “Learning Disability Week is upon us and this year’s theme is Superheroes Below there is a space for you to tell people who your Superheroes are. Who are the Kent & Medway Learning Disability Superheroes? Please be careful what you write, how you”