Books Beyond Words prize presentation

As a part of the launch of the Kent Surrey Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice in June, we offered an incentive for participants to complete the electronic evaluation forms.

This period has now closed and we are beginning to sort through your feedback, more details of this process can be found by clicking here. If you’d like to be involved in this process please email us at

Through a process of random selection of all those that submitted evaluations we are pleased to advise that Lindsey Griffiths from Sussex Partnership Trust has won a six month free subscription to Books Beyond Words application.

For more information on the application, click on the picture below.

BBW pic

Development of a Kent, Surrey & Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice

You may be aware that the Kent and Medway Learning Disability Community of Practice (K&MLDCoP) is three years old this year and during the last six months has been reviewing its goals and aspirations.

Click here to review an overview of major events over the last three years

It’s model up to this point has been to enable and encourage local membership to contribute to activities based around the three main purposes, those of:-

  1. Eradicate health inequalities for people with learning disabilities
  1. To promote person centred care and support
  1. To encourage equality and access.

This has led to three well attended and evaluated conferences, engagement via social media and IT, and a growing number of clinical and academic projects.

As a result of a review over the last few months, the K&MLDCoP has been considering ways of building on its firm foundations, which has led to a successful bid for resources from Health Education England in Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEE KSS) to allow them to open up this resource to a wider community.

With this in mind the K&MLDCoP will become the Kent, Surrey and Sussex learning disability Community of Practice over the next six months which will culminate in a 2016 launch Conference.

The CoP are looking for volunteers from across Kent, Surrey and Sussex to get involved in the Conference planning and the continued development of the CoP.

Outline for the conference:

  • A free one day event open to anyone with an interest or working in Learning Disability
  • The day will be made up of a number of short workshops/ presentation provided by community members to showcase the work they are currently doing in field of Learning disability across KSS. This will be videoed and shared via social media (click here to see the 2015 conference details: )
  • During the conference the CoP will also host the first meeting of ID Workforce stakeholder group, the information shared at this meeting will guide the future ID workforce development plan for HEE KSS, and is crucial to our work as we move it forward.

We would like as many of you as possible to either attend this event, or put forward someone else in your organisation who can, in order that we can continue to help you make a positive difference. If you would like to know more or would like to be involved in this exciting new start for the CoP, please contact them at

Please feel free to forward this information to any other groups or individuals in your area you think would like to be part of this exciting development.

We look forward to hearing from you soon

Best regards

George Matuska on behalf of

Kent and Medway Learning Disability Community of Practice,
Twitter: @kandmldcop

Reasonable Adjustments Conference Report & Presentations – 17th June 2015

This year’s Conference was based on how we can all implement reasonable adjustments for people with learning disabilities in our work. The conference participants and the Community of Practice team found each of the presentations insightful, interesting and thought provoking. The audience participation and inclusion generated great debate and key questions for reflective thought.  Main focus with regards to barriers to ensuring services and people are well adjusted to meet the needs of these individuals.  There were lots of opportunities for networking which allowed all to address some key questions and barriers to ensure services and people are well adjusted to meet the needs of these individuals.   Delegates shared personal insights and experiences, while remembering that people with learning disabilities are no less human than anyone else.

All the presentations and and resources from the day are available on the conference page. Please click here

Professor Chris Hatton from The University of Lancaster was guest speaker and he opened the event with the provocative question – “are you well adjusted? “

The event was a great success in showcasing some of the excellent work and initiatives happening across Kent for people with learning disabilities particularly around access to health care and therapies.

Feedback received from the attendees from the day was very positive.   We would like to thank you all for your responses; which are invaluable to making next years Conference even more of a success.

Individuals who could not make the conference were able get involved via twitter using the #LDWeek15 and #ldcop15 hashtags. A full transcript of this conversation including photos are available by clicking here.

The day was held during Learning Disability Awareness Week “inclusion” and all participants wanted to mark this by having their support shared via the below photo being shared on Twitter.

#ldweek15 picture

For further details on the whole day click on the conference page by clicking here.

Tracey Rose

Community Learning Disability Nurse

Twitter @traceypockett 


EKHUFT Barbara Mushett Award Winners – Kings D Award Team from William Harvey Hospital

During May and June, East Kent Hospitals asked for people to share good examples of care delievered at one of our Hospitals.

The award – originally presented in 2014 at the Community of Practice Conference – was created to remember Barbara who was referred to in Death by Indifference with her sister Jean Anthony. We are pleased to share that this year the judging panel -consisting of Jean, Helen O’Keefe – Associate Chief Nurse, and Paula Theobald – 2014 winner – were impressed with the quality and quantity of the nominations.

In the end the Kings D staff team won the award for an excellent example of using the tools and frameworks available on the EKHUFT website and going that extra mile to reflect on improvements for the future.

DSCF0153For more details of the award, please click on the picture above.

Daniel Marsden

Practice Development Nurse

Addressing Health Inequalities Event – final calls for registration!

The ‘Addressing Health Inequalities’ event is now almost at full capacity!18-6-14 Event Flyer

We are pleased to share details of the speakers and are happy to announce that contrary to previous communications tea, coffee and lunch will be provided to all, thanks for Canterbury Christchurch University.

We understand that some people who have registered for the event with eventbrite have not received a confirmation email. Please check your spam/junk folder, as everyone registered should have been sent at least two emails.

We will be encouraging conversation about the event on twitter, and will be using #AHI14  hashtag. Please place this in all your facebook and Twitter messages.


Along with Prof Ruth Northway from the University of South Wales we are now able to share the list of concurrent speakers and their subjects:-

George MatuskaHuntercombe Group – Workforce Development for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Colin Guest and team- MCCH Living in Fear: better outcomes for adults with autism and learning disabilities.

Sue Marsden & Helen Filmer – Kent Community Healthcare Trust – Review of a Pilot Project to introduce the Anticipatory Care Calendar to services in the West Kent community.

Glenda Roberts – Martha Trust – “If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.”

Rachel Giles – East Kent Hospitals – Improving Patient Care using communication Tools in Hospital – A case study.

Carol Robinson – Canterbury Christchurch University “Right Time, Right Place, Right Person” DVD.

Alick MacKenzieEnabled City – Inclusive mapping and jargon busting.

Sally Smith – East Kent Hospitals – The ‘We Care’ Culture Change – Engaging Staff to Deliver Person-Centred Care for people with learning Disabilities in East Kent Hospitals.

There are a few last places available until Friday 13th June these can be booked at our eventbrite page.