‘A Trade in People: The inpatient healthcare economy for people with learning disabilities and/or autism’.

#7DaysofAction 26th June – 2nd July 2017

In support of the third 7 Days of Action, the Centre for Disability Research at Lancaster University is publishing ‘A Trade in People: The inpatient healthcare economy for people with learning disabilities and/or autism’.

Brown,M. James, E. and Hatton, C (2017) A Trade in People: The inpatient healthcare economy for people with learning disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder Lancaster: Centre for Disability Research [pdf].

A Trade in people Easy read version by Rebecca Fish [pdf]

We’re looking for real-life stories of RNLDs

HEE KSS have been asked if we can engage and add to this website:


Do you employ any RNLD’s, that are willing to share their real-life stories to get added to this site. In particular, views from the perspective of nurses working in the independent, charity and private sectors would be helpful.

All responses to Emily Newsom – Emily.Newsom@hee.nhs.uk


Do you work with people with a learning disability? Or do you have an intellectual disability yourself? Are you interested in end of life care?

If so, you might like to share your views of a toolkit we are developing to help young people make care plans for when they are not able to express their view and when they have a life limiting condition. People with learning disabilities and their families may need help to think through questions about end of life. They may also find it more difficult to talk with care-givers about their wishes for future care.

The University of Surrey is working with Health Education England in Kent, Surrey and Sussex to develop a toolkit to help care-givers make advance care plans with children and young people with learning disabilities and their families.

To make sure the learning materials are as good as possible, we need the views of young people with learning disabilities and the people who work with them to take part in a workshop at the University of Surrey, to have your voices heard and make a real difference in this very important but often neglected area.

The workshop will be held at the University of Surrey on Tuesday 11th July from 1 to 4pm. We can pay travel expenses and will provide lunch.

If you are interested to attend, please email Matthew Peacockm.peacock@surrey.ac.uk – to book a place. We look forward to working with you.

Very best wishes, Ann Gallagher, Professor of Ethics and Care

Apprenticeship Standard for Advanced Clinical Practitioner – Consultation open

The Advanced Clinical Practitioner Trailblazer group is pleased to announce that it has opened a consultation on the draft Apprenticeship Standard.

To give maximum opportunity for everyone to contribute, the consultation is available as an on-line survey at:


The consultation opened on 13th June and will close on 25th July 2017.

Could you please put this information through your networks and forums – thank you!