15th of June 16: Launch of KSS #LDCoP16 come and join us #IDHEKSS

The Kent, Surrey & Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice is pleased to announce its launch to take place at an inclusive Conference.

KSS LD CoP Conference Flyer 2nd Ver1

Click on the poster to download

The Community of Practice is looking for local people from across Kent, Surrey and Sussex to present local good practice around the theme of Transition and Innovation, and to share their work at the Conference. If you are interested in this either download the below form and return it tolearningdisabilitycop@gmail.com before the 13th of May 2016 or click on the following link to submit you interest online http://goo.gl/forms/SrESlJtZzd.


Click on the form to download a copy

To register for a free place, please go to https://learningdisabilitycop.eventbrite.co.uk or click on the ticket below:


As always the community of practice will be looking to innovative ways of sharing the learning from the day. A twitter hashtag is already set up #ldcop16 so all those who want to join the conversation can.

Updates will be posted at:

The Launch of the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice


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