“The healing game: interventional health care for people with an intellectual disability.”

Excellent opportunity to tune into webcast of Prof Mike Kerr’s Seattle Club lecture on Thursday 10th December.

“The healing game: interventional health care for people with an intellectual disability.”

The Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities will be webcasting Mike’s presentation from precisely 3.20-4.00pm on Thursday 10th December.

If you are interested in joining in the link to access the broadcast online will be:


The password will be ‘seattle’.    The technical team have asked us to alert you to a couple of things to be aware of: 

1) People watching the stream will need “administrator” rights on their device. If you are using a work PC/laptop you may have some issues connecting unless you know have Admin rights and know the password.

2) You should also be aware that if you try and connect to the stream too early you will get stuck in a loop and be unable to access the stream. So please come in at 3.20 pm if you can.

If you need further technical information on accessing the webcast, please contact Paul Gaucci at:


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