Dear Colleague
Skills for Justice, Skills for Health and Edinburgh Napier University have together launched a large-scale survey to better understand the skills and competencies of the UK workforce. We are looking for employers, managers and employees in any UK business sector to participate in this monumental survey, which will help organisations to shape the future of skills development.
The survey will provide employers with industry-focused, evidence-based research and intelligence to inform resource planning; address skills gaps and skill shortages, and equip organisations with the knowledge needed to understand and respond to future workforce scenarios.
Everyone who takes part in the survey will be entered into a draw to win a £150 Amazon voucher.
The survey can be accessed here:
Please share this widely across your networks and encourage participation. Apologies for any cross-posting but we are keen to ensure as many people as possible are invited.
Many thanks!
Warm regards
Anne Clarke
Regional Director South East England
9th Floor, Lynton House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT