Over the past 18 months Andy Nazarjuk, Cathy Bernal and Andrew Southgate have been testing out innovative ways to to support Adult and Mental Health nurses learning about work with people with learning disabilities.
One very successful project has been inviting people with learning disabilities to be part of the simulation teaching, where the nurses got the opportunity to test out their communication skills and using tools such as the hospital passport.
Andrew Southgate has recently had his reflection on this published in the International Practice Development Journal
While Andy Nazarjuk, Cathy Bernal and Andrew Southgate have had their report published today in Learning Disability Practice
The latter has photos of the activities including the experts by experience talking with the student nurses.
If you know any people with learning disabilities in Kent and Medway that may like to teach student healthcare professionals, please let us know.
Enjoy the articles!
Daniel Marsden and the CoP team