BILD PBS Qualifications

An exciting opportunity has arisen at BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities) to offer a limited number of funded places to family members, carers and personal assistants in England, who want to gain a qualification in Positive Behaviour Support.

There are 25 places available for each of the following qualifications, funded by the Department of Health and Social Care:

Completed application forms are required by the end of Monday 22nd March 2021, for enrolment and induction at the end of March 2021.

Application forms can be found HERE and should be returned to, with the subject line of the email reading “Funded places for Family Carers and PAs”.

Research: C-MAPS

Researchers at King’s College London are looking for school-aged autistic children to take part in a new study called C-MAPS, which aims to map children’s profiles of cognition, motivation and attention. This research will help us to better understand children’s social and emotional development and ultimately help those who might be experiencing difficulties.

For parents, it involves completing some short questionnaires, which are expected to take 20-30 minutes. For children, it involves trying out some interactive science activities online – these can be done in 1 or 2 separate sessions, both lasting around 30 minutes.

Children will receive tokens for a raffle to win Amazon vouchers (1 x £100, 5 x £50, 10 x £30). All families that take part will get an educational newsletter that explains why it’s important to understand things like memory and attention and includes some fun science-themed activities for the whole family to do together!

Click here to sign up.