Good Afternoon all
Following the successful launch of the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice, we have been supported to setup a dedicated weblog here at this new web address
To follow this new blog scroll down on the main page and you will see a “SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL” section on the right side which will look like:Type in your email address and Right click on the “SUBSCRIBE” button, an invite will be sent to your email address to the follow the new blog.
Did you join us for the launch of the Kent, Surrey and Sussex LD CoP in June 2016?
Have you completed your evaluation yet? If no click on the green button below or go to to complete yours now:
The closing date for the evaluations will be the 29th of July 2016 and the prise draw will take place soon after. Details of the prose draw can be found at:
Best regards
George Matuska on behalf of
Kent Surrey & Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice
Website :-
Twitter :- @KSSLDCoP
email :-