An inaugural lecture by Professor Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
Title: ‘WHEN SOMEBODY DIES…Learning from people with learning disabilities’
Nobody likes to think about death, but we are all affected by it. We face the deaths of family and friends, and ultimately, of ourselves.
What if the bereaved person has learning disabilities? What if the dying person has learning disabilities?
What is it like for them, and for their families, their carers, the professionals involved? How can everyone be supported?
How can we learn to listen?
In this lecture, Professor Irene Tuffrey-Wijne will share her insights from 15 years of research – and we may discover that, far from being morbid, looking at dying can be life-affirming.
Wednesday 9 January 2019
Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Venue: Michael Heron Lecture Theatre, St George’s, University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE