To support the national programme to transform care for people with a learning, disability, autism or both, NHS England and its partners have commissioned an evaluation of the programme. This is being carried out by The Strategy Unit, ICF (a health research and consultancy company); the British Institute for Learning Disabilities (BILD) and the University of Birmingham.
The main aim of the evaluation is to learn about how effectively local areas are delivering the ambitions set out in Building the Right Support (BRS), to understand how we can improve quality and outcomes. Your feedback will play a valuable and vital role as the evaluation is particularly keen to identify and share good practice in order to drive the change that is needed.
An important early part of this evaluation is a national survey of the 48 Transforming Care Partnerships (TCPs). We are inviting people and organisations who have been involved in any aspect of work in their local TCP to take part. We want to hear from everyone who has a view of any or all of this work including:
- people with a learning disability, autism or both, their family members and carers
- experts by experience
- TCP SROs and leaders
- directors of adult social services and children’s services
- all professionals, clinicians and staff involved in improving the quality of care and support – whether in health, social care, housing or education
- commissioners and providers of care and support
The survey will be from 19th October to 1st December 2017. You can access the survey using this link.
An easy read version is available.
The survey will take 15-20 minutes. We welcome views from everyone, so please forward the survey to your wider contacts and networks.
We will not attribute any views to individuals or their organisations – your feedback will be treated in confidence.
We thank you in advance for your co-operation with this important work.
If you have any comments or concerns, please contact Sally Anderson at NHS England and Aidan Moss at the evaluation team. Thanks in advance for your support.