‘Don’t miss out’: Annual Health Checks Campaign

Mencap in collaboration with NHS England learning disabilities programme has produced a fantastic new campaign and set of resources about the Learning Disability Register, Annual Health Checks, and Summary Care Records.

This is all about encouraging people with a learning disability to get better healthcare, by letting people know that doctors and other healthcare workers can provide extra support and advice. The main message is to make sure you tell your doctor that you have a learning disability, so that they can add you to their register.

Please help us to share this important message! – Tell your doctor you have a learning disability and they can check if you are on the learning disability register. If you are not, they can arrange for your name to be added. This means you will be offered extra support to make things a bit easier. And, importantly, you could get an Annual Health Check. This information can be shared with other doctors and nurses, so they can make things easier for you too.

The campaign is called ‘Don’t miss out’ www.mencap.org.uk/dontmissout and the hashtag for social media is #dontmissout

The direct link to the guides and resources is: https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/health/dont-miss-out/dont-miss-out-guides

The resources include:

  • main guide about joining the learning disability register and why it’s so important;
  • guide for supporters of people with a learning disability about the register, Annual Health Checks, and Summary Care Records;
  • template easy read letter to complete and give to your doctor about joining the learning disability register;
  • easy read guide about joining the learning disability register and why it’s important.

There’s also a really snappy animation:

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