New Guest Blog post – Oliver McGowan Training, A Midwife & Mothers perspective.

Hayley Coffey has kindly shared her reflections on undertaking the Oliver McGowan e-learning training, her role as an academic, a midwife and a mother, the implications for education and clinical practice and ultimately autistic people and people with learning disabilities. 

This blog can be found by clicking here

If you would like to submit a reflection on enabling and supporting people with learning disabilities to live healthy safe and fulfilled lives, please see details for doing by clicking here. 

Community Event Contributions & update

Thanks for all the interest in the Community event on 1st December and particularly the request for contributions.

We have had more offers than can be housed in the agenda, so we will be closing this form on 6th November, so two members of the steering group can blind review the submissions. 

If you’d still like to submit, you can do so by clicking here.

If you’d like to take one of the last few places at the event, please click here.

Finally, NHS England have kindly offered support to enable us to offer participants refreshments and lunch. 

KSS CoP Conference Dec 23 Flyer

Community Conference 2023

The Community of Practice Steering group are pleased to be able to share the first face to face, in person event since the Covid lockdown. 

Kingston University have kindly agreed to host, and we are pleased to share that Baroness Sheila Hollins will be delivering a keynote on Social Prescribing and Beyond Word Book Clubs.

We also have contributions from user lead organisations, practitioners and researchers, presenting their work associated with enabling people with learning disabilities to live healthy, safe and fulfilled lives.

Details about booking your free place can be found by clicking here

If you would like to share your work demonstrating people with learning disabilities living healthy safe and fulfilled lives, please complete the short form available by clicking here.

Community of Practice Conference flyer