Conference 2024 Film

On 4th December 2024, the Community Conference was hosted at Canterbury Christ Church University with support from Kent Surrey Sussex Applied Research Collaborative.

Please see the film that the events team at Canterbury Christ Church created.

Community of Practice Annual Conference 2024

The Community’s Steering Group is pleased to announce this year’s annual conference will take place on 4th December at Canterbury Christ Church University’s Medway campus.

We plan to share a flyer and call for abstracts/contributions in September, in the meantime please block the day out in your diary.Canterbury Christchurch Medway Campus Rowan Willams Court

Books Beyond Words prize presentation

As a part of the launch of the Kent Surrey Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice in June, we offered an incentive for participants to complete the electronic evaluation forms.

This period has now closed and we are beginning to sort through your feedback, more details of this process can be found by clicking here. If you’d like to be involved in this process please email us at

Through a process of random selection of all those that submitted evaluations we are pleased to advise that Lindsey Griffiths from Sussex Partnership Trust has won a six month free subscription to Books Beyond Words application.

For more information on the application, click on the picture below.

BBW pic

Learning Disability Workshop Conference

During 2015 the Kent and Medway Learning Disability Community of Practice in partnership with East Kent Hospitals Clinical Education and three experts by experience have been running half day workshops for mainstream healthcare professionals.

The aims of the programme has been to explore definitions of learning disabilities, the evidence base and legal frameworks, with a view to encouraging participants to explore what ‘reasonable adjustments’ might mean in their work context. More details of these can be found here.

The outcome of this project is a conference to report back on the outcomes, and for individuals and teams to share how they make adjustments for people with learning disabilities. We are pleased to share the National Clinical Director for Learning Disabilities at NHS England Dominic Slowie will be opening the event.

The target audience for this event is non-learning disability professionals.

Please see the flyer below.

Workshop Conf flyer 2016