Learning Disability events at Canterbury Christ Church in September.

Canterbury Christ Church will host two more Learning Disability and Autism knowledge mobilisation events in September, continuing the university’s commitment to develop it’s offer to this specialised workforce in Kent and Medway and beyond.

These in person events are free and are aimed particularly at those that are working with people with learning disabilities and autistic people. For more details and booking please see below.

LDA Workforce events Sept 24

Books Beyond Words – ‘Loving Babies’ Book Launch

Kent Surrey Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice event will be hosting the new Beyond Words book launch at the event at Kingston University on 1st December.

Beyond Words is delighted to be launching the second word-free picture book in their series on maternity and parenting. Loving Babies is the much-anticipated follow-up book to last year’s Having a Baby. Expertly co-created and trialled by professionals and experts by experience, Loving Babies is a picture story showing the realities and triumphs of early years’ parenting.

The book is designed to be used by people with learning disabilities or who find pictures easier to understand than words. It depicts two different households caring for and loving their new children. Loving Babies and Having a Baby can be used together to open conversations about pregnancy, parenting, and having children.

At the event, Baroness Hollins will be presenting this new publication and in their will be a lunch time book club to explore this new publication. 

Loving Babies Book Beyond words cover


New Guest Blog post – Oliver McGowan Training, A Midwife & Mothers perspective.

Hayley Coffey has kindly shared her reflections on undertaking the Oliver McGowan e-learning training, her role as an academic, a midwife and a mother, the implications for education and clinical practice and ultimately autistic people and people with learning disabilities. 

This blog can be found by clicking here

If you would like to submit a reflection on enabling and supporting people with learning disabilities to live healthy safe and fulfilled lives, please see details for doing by clicking here. 

Books Beyond Words prize presentation

As a part of the launch of the Kent Surrey Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice in June, we offered an incentive for participants to complete the electronic evaluation forms.

This period has now closed and we are beginning to sort through your feedback, more details of this process can be found by clicking here. If you’d like to be involved in this process please email us at info@ldcop.org.uk

Through a process of random selection of all those that submitted evaluations we are pleased to advise that Lindsey Griffiths from Sussex Partnership Trust has won a six month free subscription to Books Beyond Words application.

For more information on the application, click on the picture below.

BBW pic