You will probably know that to support the delivery of Transforming Care, NHS England and partners have commissioned an evaluation of the programme. This is being carried out by The Strategy Unit, ICF (a health research and consultancy company); the British Institute for Learning Disabilities (BILD) and the University of Birmingham.
The main aim of the evaluation is to learn about how effectively local areas are delivering the ambitions set out in Building the Right Support (BRS), to understand how to improve quality and outcomes.
For the latest phase, people around the country are invited to take part in a national survey to describe how TCPs are doing – to hear the views of all involved and to help NHS Englans, partners and local areas to learn and adapt.
You can access the survey using this link. An easy read version is available.
The survey will be from 19 October to 1 December 2017; it will take 15-20 minutes. Views are welcome from everyone, so please share with your wider contacts and networks.
The copy of the letter for TCPs and networks is below.
Following the survey, the evaluation team will be visiting selected TCPs soon to carry out in-depth case study visits, and engage with people with a learning disability, autism or both; local professionals and system leaders in TCPs to examine progress and good practice in greater depth. Case study TCPs have been selected so that a range of types of TCPs are included, with different populations and in different regions. The evaluation team will be contacting selected TCP SROs later in the autumn.
If you have any comments or concerns – please contact Sally Anderson at NHS England and Aidan Moss at the evaluation team.
Evaluation of Building the Right Support