Tuesday 19th September 2017. This workshop is about supporting primary health care to improve outcomes for people with learning disabilities.
We will be sharing and discussing recent guidance and tools developed to improve access to primary care for people with learning disabilities.
The workshop will include guidance on increasing the uptake and improving the quality of Annual Health Checks and the use of Summary Care Records with additional information.
Speakers will include representatives from:
- The Public Health England Learning Disabilities Observatory (PHELDO)
- NHS Digital and NHS England
- The Mencap ‘Don’t Miss Out project’
- My Life My Choice
- Dimensions
- As well as local examples of good practice
Who should come:
GP learning disability leads, health facilitators/primary care liaison nurses, practice managers and nurses, social care providers, Clinical Commissioning Group and GP learning disability leads, members of Local Medical Committees, family carers and self-advocates and others with an interest in improving primary healthcare services for people with learning disabilities
The workshop will start at 10am (registration from 9.30am) and finish at 4pm.