NDTi: A survey about the Learning Disability SAF (Self Assessment Framework)

The Learning Disability Self Assessment Framework (SAF) was a way for people with learning disabilities, families and staff from health and social care to get together and talk. It showed how well areas were doing in supporting people and providing services.

It was a way of planning together about what needed to be done.  It was used to help Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs who plan and pay for local health services) make plans and changes from what people told them.

The SAF used to show how areas were doing across the country. A report was provided each year of all those areas which had carried out their SAF. In 2016 a group of people came together to talk about a new SAF. This did not happen as there was lots of services changes going on.

Although there isn’t national support for the SAF, some areas still use it each year. They find it a helpful way to check progress and create plans for the next year.

This survey is for people with learning disabilities, their families, carers or friends. We want to know what you think about the SAF. NDTi have been asked by Public Health England and NHS England to find out if people think it is still needed.

If you would like an easy read survey please email office@ndti.org.uk or call 01225 789135

NAS: New measures to make transport more accessible

The Government has today announced new measures which it says “will improve accessibility across all types of travel for those with both visible and less visible disabilities.”

This is part of the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Inclusive Transport Strategy. These measures will include a £2 million passenger awareness campaign and an accreditation scheme for transport operators.

Read more here.