WeLDNurses: RNLD summit: documenting workforce challenges

WeLDNurses were invited to document the RNLD summit in the summer, which was called to consider the well documented workforce challenges relating in learning disability nursing.
They have compiled as 5 minute audio clip of interviews at the event of a cross section of nurses documenting the reasons they became nurses and the difference they realised they could make.
Full details are on the WeCommunities site:at http://www.wecommunities.org/blogs/3430 while the audio is available directly at https://soundcloud.com/weldnurses/rnldsummit-31-7-18
Thanks Daniel Marsden for sharing this!
Please provide your thoughts, reactions and comments, Daniel is keen to hear them.

Community Care: How social workers can protect children with learning disabilities from sexual exploitation

Emilie Smeaton, one of the authors of a report published today on the sexual exploitation of children with learning disabilities, gives key tips to social workers.

Unprotected, overprotected’ is UK-wide research addressing the sexual exploitation of children and young people with learning disabilities. This has provided the following evidence-based key lessons for social workers to take forward into their practice:

Children with learning disabilities have similar vulnerabilities to sexual exploitation as other children and young people


Read more here