Social Care inspections do not include specific reference to relationships & sex, making it possible to receive an ‘outstanding’ rating, whilst ignoring an essential part of people’s lives. CQC said they cannot add mandatory questions for inspectors without amending the Health & Social Care Act.
The questions submitted to CQC have been added as supplementary but not mandatory, meaning inspectors can currently choose not to ask them. The questions covered sexuality & relationships polices, sexual health, sexual rights and training for staff and people who use services. Read more about them
Social care staff are faced with difficult situations and are often untrained in this area, as it is not seen as a priority.
You can support this issue by adding you name to this petition.
Supported Loving have also shared some helpful relationship videos and resources:
Videos- Two clips from the U-Night Group to share with the network (must be opened in Chrome)
1.This is a video about the importance of relationships, featuring self advocates from across Lancashire
2.This is a clip about the launch of our training pack ‘Listen Up-about staying safe in relationships’
If anyone wants more details they can contact Sue via
New Publication– Older people in care homes: Sex, Sexuality and Intimate Relationships – The Royal College of Nursing @