Reminder: Stay up Late AGM

Ahead of the 2017 party political conferences this “newspaper” from Dimensions presents the views of experts by experience and key policy figures about what needs to change to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing UK social care, with a particular focus on learning disability.


Mind the Gap performance and Inclusive Practice Workshop- Gulbenkian Theatre and Cafe, 25th Oct

Mind the Gap are bringing their show, MIA, to Gulbenkian on Weds 25th October and are offering a free Inclusive Practice Workshop in the morning for anyone who books to see the show.

Inclusive Practice Workshop, Gulbenkian Theatre, Weds 25th October, 10am to 12pm

For arts practitioners, students, teachers and facilitators, led by Mind the Gap

A workshop co-facilitated with learning-disabled artists from Mind the Gap, exploring how to make artistic practice more inclusive for participants with learning disabilities. Explore the meaning of inclusive practice, different barriers and how to overcome them, non-verbal techniques, accessibility tools & technology and the importance of ensemble and equality. The workshop will contain practical exercises, discussion and the opportunity to debate barriers to inclusive practice in your work. Book your place with Neelam Saredia, Creative Learning Assistant at Please note this is workshop is free for MIA ticket-holders.

 MIA Performance, Gulbenkian Theatre, Weds 25th October, 7.30pm

Followed by a post-show talk with the company. Book tickets through Gulbenkian box office.