SeeAbility – National Survey – Can you help?

SeeAbility are looking for two surveys to be completed.  Please read below for more information on this invaluable national survey.

SeeAbility is the national charity that works with people with sight loss and multiple disabilities.

SeeAbility’s national surveys will help us all understand if people with learning disabilities are getting good help to look after their eyes.

SeeAbility want to make sure eye care services are the best they can be for people with learning disabilities. SeeAbility will be putting all the findings into a report we’ll launch in the spring of 2016.  To help we have two surveys:

1) One for parents of children with learning disabilities who are under 14

2) An easy read survey for anyone who is 14 and over. They are both online, but also downloadable to print and send back to SeeAbility for free (please see link below).

You can also send copies to anyone who needs them.

The survey’s are anonymous so no-one has to worry about what they say.

 To find out more go to

Pallative Care of People with Learning Disabilities Network

The PCPLD Network is a voluntary organisation developed in 1998.  The national network brings together service providers, people with learning disabilities and carers to work together for the benefit of individuals with learning disabilities who have palliative care needs.   The ethos is that people with learning disabilities should receive the co-ordinated support needed to live their lives to the full, until the end of their life.    

If you would like to attend the next PCPLD Kent Branch meeting on 28th January 2015 it will be held in the  Training Room, at Pilgrims Hospice, Ashford, Hythe Road, Willesborough, TN24 0NE  

For further information please contact: or

To learn more go to  Tweet @PCPLDnetwork

meeting 15 poster

Winners Announced – Kent Learning Disability Partnership Awards 2015

Kent County Council recently announced the winners of the 2015 Learning Disability Partnership Awards, which are annually held to celebrate unsung heroes who are making a difference to others.

The Awards enable Kent County Council to recognise companies, services and people who go the extra mile to help give people with a learning disability more choice, improved independence and access to their communities.

More than 120 nominations were received and the panel of judges were impressed by those who continue to support and improve the lives of people with learning disabilities.   By highlighting these achievements, Kent County Council hope it will encourage others to look at what they can do to support people with a learning disability in their community.

Congratulations to all of those nominated and the worthy winners, take a look here.   Winners Special V 0 1


Spacticity Symposium in East Kent

17 December, 1:00-5:00pm

EK Spasticity Symposium 17-12-15


  • Recent developments clinical and research
  • Proposed pathway
  • Botox Economic Spasticity Trial (BEST) – a multinational RCT
  • Practice Based Evidence, ASPIRE Trial
  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging study in spasticity
  • Experience of patients having Botulinum toxin therapy for adult spasticity – a qualitative study

There is no registration fee. If you would like to attend, please contact Dr. M Sakel.