EKHUFT Barbara Mushett Award Winners – Kings D Award Team from William Harvey Hospital

During May and June, East Kent Hospitals asked for people to share good examples of care delievered at one of our Hospitals.

The award – originally presented in 2014 at the Community of Practice Conference – was created to remember Barbara who was referred to in Death by Indifference with her sister Jean Anthony. We are pleased to share that this year the judging panel -consisting of Jean, Helen O’Keefe – Associate Chief Nurse, and Paula Theobald – 2014 winner – were impressed with the quality and quantity of the nominations.

In the end the Kings D staff team won the award for an excellent example of using the tools and frameworks available on the EKHUFT website and going that extra mile to reflect on improvements for the future.

DSCF0153For more details of the award, please click on the picture above.

Daniel Marsden

Practice Development Nurse

Community of Practice presents Doctors Workshops on People with Learning Disabilities

The Community of Practice are pleased to share this flyer for workshops for Doctors and other healthcare professionals enabling reasonable adjustments to be made for people with learning disabilities in healthcare settings.

This is a collaborative venture with East Kent Hospitals Trust and other partners including Kent Community Healthcare Trust, East Kent Mencap and Canterbury Christchurch University.

Drs LD Workshops flyer

The first workshop on 27th March is already full, however 4 more workshops and a final conference are planned.

Please email catherine.kidd@nhs.net to get more details.

Healthcare Passport Research Survey

A team of East Kent Hospitals Co-Researchers has begun work on looking at how My Healthcare Passport is used in Hospital.

The team consisting of Hospital clinicians and staff, people with learning disabilities, a nursing home manager and a parent carer would like you help with answering this short questionnaire.

My Healthcare Passport 1st Draft Symbol

To go to the short 6 question survey click on the Passport picture above.

There will be more opportunities to get involved in this research project later this year, if you’d like to be involved, you can leave your details at the end of the questionnaire.

If you’d like to download a copy for yourself click here

Influencing Urgent and Emergency Health Care across Kent

Have you or someone you know used Ambulance, A&E or other emergency services?

Do you think there are ways to improve these services for people with learning disabilities?

Then the English Centre for Practice Development and East Kent Hospitals would like to invite you two one of three events in September.

10th September  Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury 4- 5pm

11th September  William Harvey Hospital, Ashford 4 – 5pm

12th September QEQM Hospital Margate 4 – 5pm

This is an opportunity to be part of the transformation of the workforce across Kent for the future in relation to the provision of a seamless integrated urgent and emergency care service.

Please reserve your place by contacting Lisa Sheene via either email:  lisasheene@nhs.net or telephone 01843 225544 Ext 62257.

If there is further information you would like about the project please feel you can contact Dr Kim Manley via email: kim.manley@nhs.net or 01227 766877