Eric Emerson and colleagues publish Systematic Review on prevalence of constipation in adults with an intellectual disability

Background Constipation can lead to serious health issues and death. This systematic review summarises international research pertaining to the prevalence of constipation in people with intellectual disability. Method Studies published from 1990 to January 2016 were identified using Medline, Cinahl, PsycINFO, Web of Science, email requests, and cross-citations. Studies were reviewed narratively. Results 31 studies were identified. Constipation rates of 50% or more were reported in 14 studies; 21 studies reported rates over 33%. Based on the most representative study, over 25% of people with intellectual disability received a repeat prescription for laxatives in one year, compared to 0.1% of people without intellectual disability. Constipation was more common in those with cerebral palsy and profound intellectual disability, and associated with immobility but not age. Conclusion Constipation is a significant issue for people with intellectual disability across the life course and should be actively considered as a diagnosis in this population.

Advance Care Planning for young people with learning disabilities- Free Toolkit and Communication workshops in September

Would you like to know more about advance care planning for young people with learning disabilities?

 Would you like to develop skills and confidence in leading conversations with young people and families about end of life care?


The University of Surrey and Health Education England Kent, Surrey and Sussex are developing a new education package called the ADVANCE programme.  It is aimed at helping those who work with people with learning disabilities and their families to communicate ethically and effectively about making an Advance Care Plan.  This enables people to have control and choice about their end of life care.

The ADVANCE programme consists of an Open Learning toolkit and a communications workshop lasting approximately two hours.

The Toolkit and workshops are free to use and attend and we are running these across Kent (in Canterbury), Sussex (Brighton) and at the University of Surrey. Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. 

The first ADVANCE Workshops will be held at the University of Surrey in room 17DK02 on Friday 28th July from 9.30am to 12noon and 2pm to 4.30pm.

If you would like to attend, please email Matthew Peacock – – to book a place by Wednesday 26th July.


Places on future ADVANCE workshops are now also available for booking:


Monday 4th September

Workshop 1: 9.30 to 12md

Workshop 2: 2pm to 4.30pm

University of Brighton

The Checkland Building room 502, Falmer Campus

Tuesday 5th September

Workshop 1: 9.30 to 12md

Workshop 2: 2pm to 4.30pm

University of Brighton

The Checkland Building room 502, Falmer Campus

Wednesday 6th September

Workshop 1: 9.30 to 12md

Workshop 2: 2pm to 4.30pm

University of Surrey

The Duke of Kent Building Room 17 DK 02, Stag Hill Campus

Friday 8th September

Workshop 1: 9.30 to 12md

Workshop 2: 2pm to 4.30pm

University of Kent

Keynes College



LDE: State of Mental Health: Plain English Summary

Today the Care Quality Commission (CQC) released a report about the state of mental health services from 2014 to 2017.

The report found that although some mental health services have improved, there are still problems.

More than 3500 patients are kept locked-in which means they are not able to leave. Some people are sent far away from home.

One psychiatrist described this as a ‘Victorian approach’.

LDE’s Co-Founder, Gary Bourlet, has often talked about the fact that we need services fit for the 21st Century. It looks like we are not there yet.

The report has a chapter on mental health care for people with learning disabilities or autism. LDE have pulled out the main findings

You can access the full report:

Exploring sexual and social understanding

Edited by Karen Dodd, Keith Jones, Heather Liddiard and James Stroud

This pack has been developed to provide a flexible visual resource that can be used to assess sexual knowledge and capacity to consent, and help to teach and discuss appropriate social and sexual behaviour.

The pack contains a CD-ROM containing 214 pictures which can be arranged into sequences to form stories. These can represent conventional, unconventional, legal and illegal social and sexual activities. The stories can be created by either the person with learning disabilities or the professional.,0,0,0,0