Changing Care: GUIDE TO: Checking a person’s understanding – Their capacity to consent

It is always good practice to check how much a person has understood of what is happening to them whatever age they are. Capacity to consent must be assumed unless assessed otherwise. It is essential to remember that each decision is time location and decision specific. A variety of communication tools should be employed to aid a person’s understanding in order to gain a full picture of their understanding such as signs, photos, videos, music and books beyond words materials. These will assist health professionals to get care right alongside following the 5 main principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2005).

Guide available here

RCN: new guidance to help safeguard adults at risk of abuse

Health care staff involved in adult safeguarding will have three years to meet new professional standards as outlined in Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff.

The RCN, asked by NHS England, led on the development of the guidance on behalf of over 30 Royal Colleges.

It aims to counter both emerging and common forms of abuse, such as “cuckooing”, where unscrupulous people move in and take over someone’s home, possessions and finances, and people trafficking and modern slavery. It also incorporates domestic abuse and internet abuse.

Find out more here